TBC Vacation Bible School 2021
Built for a Purpose
Wednesday – Friday, June 9-11 6PM-8:30PM
with closing award ceremony and fun fair
Saturday, June 12 11a-2p
1st thru 6th Grade
Discover the foundation that lasts!
Are you ready for construction? Grab your tools and discover what it takes to build a yourself a a house for God. As kids explore a world of concrete and cranes, rivets and rebar, bulldozers and backhoes, they will learn to build their faith on Jesus as they uncover the truth that He who began a good work will be faithful to carry it on to completion.
This construction-themed VBS focuses on the construction of our lives from Blueprints to a finished product. Each day kids learn a Bible verse that goes with the Bible story and they dig into what it means to know Jesus as our Savior. Call our office if you need a local ride.
End the week with us with an Award Ceremony at 10am then the Family Fun Fair consisting of a Picnic at 11:00am and outdoor Fun Day games immediately following until 2:00pm!
So if you’re looking for a FREE fun-filled Christ-centered event to take your kids to this summer, Tomah Baptist Church would like to invite your kids to our Built for a Purpose VBS. Kids entering Grades 1-Grade 6.
Save Time. Register Online Below.
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