Built for a Purpose – Vacation Bible School 2021

TBC Vacation Bible School 2021
Built for a Purpose

Wednesday – Friday, June 9-11 6PM-8:30PM
with closing award ceremony and fun fair
Saturday, June 12 11a-2p
1st thru 6th Grade


Discover the foundation that lasts!

Are you ready for construction? Grab your tools and discover what it takes to build a yourself a a house for God. As kids explore a world of concrete and cranes, rivets and rebar, bulldozers and backhoes, they will learn to build their faith on Jesus as they uncover the truth that He who began a good work will be faithful to carry it on to completion.

This construction-themed VBS focuses on the construction of our lives from Blueprints to a finished product. Each day kids learn a Bible verse that goes with the Bible story and they dig into what it means to know Jesus as our Savior. Call our office if you need a local ride.

End the week with us with an Award Ceremony at 10am then the Family Fun Fair consisting of a Picnic at 11:00am and outdoor Fun Day games immediately following until 2:00pm!

So if you’re looking for a FREE fun-filled Christ-centered event to take your kids to this summer, Tomah Baptist Church would like to invite your kids to our Built for a Purpose VBS. Kids entering Grades 1-Grade 6.

Save Time. Register Online Below.

    Please note that your registration form will clear after pushing the sent button below. That will indicate we have received it. If you are uncertain though, please feel free to contact the office after 3 business days. Thank you for registering onine with us today.



    *Grade Entering in the Fall:

    Tranportation Needed:


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