Evangelizing the Child

Once again it is time for VBS, after a year of a Covid delay. Plans have and are being made again. Personally, I get just as excited as the children do. I look forward to the noise, the games, the songs and cheers. Most of all, my greatest form of enthusiasm is the decisions.

Mark 10:14 But when Jesus saw it, he was much displeased, and said unto them, Suffer the little children to come unto me, and forbid them not: for of such is the kingdom of God.

Matthew 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the
kingdom of heaven.

The above mentioned verses are too often quoted to prove that children are to be encouraged to be saved. The Mark 10:14 verse in the context of parents bringing young children to the Rabbi (Christ) to pray over and to bless them. The New Testament word for young children is paidion, pronounced pi-dē-on. It is the word used for children from sometimes an infant to a preteen. It most often used of children ages three to eleven (Wow! That’s almost VBS age). The word suffer means to permit, let alone, go after.

The rebuke and injection of our Lord seems pretty clear. We not only are to allow them to come to Christ but should seek after them in order to bring them to Christ. So, when I occasionally hear things like “Why should we have gone a week more with VBS and spend all of that money,” I scratch my head. Sometimes I scratch it wondering what Bible they are reading or scratch it wondering where their heart is with Christ. Judas said the same thing. Usually those questions are asked by folks who are not involved in personally reaching the lost.

I have even heard an occasional person ask why spend so much effort into other people in the community’s children. That suggestion is usually born out of ignorance not only of God’s Word or commands, but facts as well. According to Barna (Christian) Research, “only 6% of adult Christians made their decision to follow God over the age of 18. According to another research from Ministry Research (2019) 2/3 of Christians came to faith be-fore the age of 18. So somewhere between 66% – 94% of people who get saved do so before or by 18 years old.

This seems to be a no brainer where time, energy, heart and money is concerned. So, stop by this year at our 2021 VBS Evangelistic Rally. Catch the enthusiasm and just maybe help a young soul get saved.