Give online

Whether you’re giving your tithes or just simply giving a love offering, you can do it online!

Invest in God’s work, and be a part in reaching this nation and world by supporting Tomah Baptist Church and its ministries. If you have questions about online giving, we recommend that you read the following responses to commonly asked questions.

Tomah Baptist Church has online giving available to those who desire to use it. Tomah Baptist strongly teaches that living “debt free” is a worthy goal for all Christians. We offer online giving only as a convenience and not as a way to circumvent sound biblical money management principles or in any way to incur debt. There are many benefits to giving online.

  • Users of online giving are responsible for setting up and controlling their online giving options themselves.
  • They can designate where their giving goes (general fund, building program, missions, etc.) and the frequency in which they give.
  • Online giving is secure and tax deductible.
  • Online giving allows you to set-up your giving using either a debit or credit card or an automatic bank draft to your account.

You are free to give via the weekly offering in the worship service, or by mailing your contribution in to the office, or now by the internet, and we welcome you to give whatever God has called you to, however God has called you to do so.

II Corinthians 9:7 reads, “Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.”


Save time and a stamp when you donate securely through our Online Giving, featuring MILITARY GRADE SECURITY, using a debit/credit card. No need to sign up for a special account to use this option. You can donate securely as a one time donation, or schedule regular weekly and monthly donations if you prefer.

We also still take donations through traditional means as well. If you prefer to mail us a check or money order, please make your payment to:
Tomah Baptist Church
1701 Hollister Ave.
Tomah, WI 54660

*If you have used the secure Donations feature, you will be automatically emailed a copy of your receipt.

Do you need your contribution statement? Please contact our office, and we will be happy to email or mail you a copy.

Common Questions about Giving Online
What is Involved in Giving Online?
Is it Secure? The Answer is YES!
What are the Benefits of online giving?