Food Pantry

The Tomah Baptist Church food pantry serves our friends and neighbors who are having difficulty putting food on their table: the fellow next door who is out of work, the elderly widow whose prescription bills sometimes eat into her grocery money, or your child’s school buddy whose single parent struggles to make ends meet. It relies heavily on food and cash donations from the church and community. Being confessing believers in Christ The Lord, we try to make every effort to meet the physical, as well as the spiritual needs of those among us in need.

Being a part of this ministry is easy. You can write a check or donate cash and designate it toward our Food Pantry Ministry. Our team will use those funds to purchase food for those in need.

We extend our hands to…

  • The homeless
  • The sick and homebound
  • The unemployed
  • The elderly and widowed
  • Those in crisis
  • All who hunger and thirst
  • Missionaries and Churches

The Tomah Baptist Church Food Pantry hours are by appointment. If you are in need, please call the church office during regular office hours (M-F 8:30-4:30). We will be glad to set up an appointment  when a worker is available.