Soldiers for Christ

We invite you to visit our weekly Bible club for children, Soldiers For Christ. It is designed for children ages 5 to 12. Soldiers For Christ is a safe, fun and exciting place to learn about God and the Bible, while Our goal is to provide children with a challenging opportunity to memorize God’s Word, andteach them to apply His Word in their lives.

Our Wednesday night Bible club for children starts at 6:30 p.m., lasts about an hour and a half, and consists of games, Scripture Memorization, Bible time, singing, and a reward time. Our intent is to glorify God in all that we do.

The curriculum is designed to be progressively complex, as the child grows older and learns more. We have four main age groups that we refer to as levels, that provides five possible books per level. Girls and boys share the same level names.

These levels include:





Dress code consists of modest clothing. We ask that the girls not wear dresses, since we do outdoor games and activities. Boys should be sure their jeans are not too baggy, since we do a lot of running and playing, and do not want the children injured or hampered by their clothing.

*After attending Soldiers For Christ Club consistently for several weeks, each child earns their own club shirt to wear.

The children receive points and awards for:

  • Wearing their club shirt,
  • Bringing a Bible,
  • Bringing in their dues (25 cents),
  • Bringing a friend, and
  • Memorizing Scripture verses.


Children accumulate points each week for attendance, dues, Bible, study book, uniform, memorization, and outreach. End of year awards are distributed based on quarterly and annual points accumulated, and Bible memorization books completed.

Special events throughout the year include: End of Summer water game night; Annual Awards Night; Christmas caroling, and our Annual Christmas Store.

Click Here to find us, or call us at (608) 372-2071 during office hours.