Marching to Zion

Revelation 14:13 And I heard a voice from heaven saying unto me, Write, Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord from henceforth: Yea, saith the Spirit, that they may rest from their labours; and their works do follow them.

I particularly enjoy that song “We’re Marching to Zion.” I enjoy it for its rousing chorus and melody. I enjoy the simplicity of the words, yet the powerful call of its message. The lyrics were written by Isaac Watts in the Eighteenth Century. He was one of the great, innovative hymn writers. He was raised in the Independent Congregation Church, a “dissented” church of the Anglicans.

Watts used for his pretext Revelation 14:1-3; 21:21, and 7:15-17. The verses depict the joys of the saints singing while surrounding the Throne. He moves to the joys on earth as well as those in heaven. Think of the message. We saints on earth should be joyous because we are marching toward heaven a little bit more each day. Furthermore, one day we will surround Jesus upon His throne during the Tribulation and sing all our praise to Him.

We at Tomah Baptist church will be doing a little marching this month ourselves. On Sunday, March 8th the clocks move forward for preparation of spring, which officially begins March 19th. March is also when TBA ends its basketball season. We won’t go to state this year but we will have a nice Athletic Banquet on March 26th.

The final event on the church calendar for March begins on the 29th with Evangelist Thomas Engle. Brother Engle was here not too long ago for VBS. I believe we should start praying for those meetings. Pray for visitors, both new and old. Pray for brokenness and revival into the hearts of God’s people. The kind of brokenness where the sins of the flesh, neglect, or uncharitable and callous hearts are confessed and forsaken. This is especially true in the area of seeking the lost. Pray as well for the lost souls to visit and get saved.

If we are willing to pray for these matters, real revival will be ours and we truly will daily be singing “We’re Marching to Zion.”