
One of the most exciting experiences I still enjoy, and will till I leave this world is to watch synchronized marching. It is really exciting to watch a good band march at the half time of a college football game. One of the more exciting bands I’ve enjoyed in the past was Grambling College. Their movements and synchronization was fantastic.

My all time favorite, however, is to watch a military band with a parade of sol-diers following. Being a Navy brat, this is hard to admit, but I think the Marines do it best. Hopefully all the active and reservist Army soldiers in the congregation will forgive me.

As Christians, we also have marching orders from our Commander & Chief. We are to occupy our territory till Christ returns (Luke 19:13) That involves not surrendering or “giving place to the Devil” (Ephesians 4:27). It also involves witnessing personally, worldwide. (Acts 1:8)

We here at Tomah Baptist Church have our Marching Orders. Of course everything previously mentioned is part of that order, but there is more.

In the month of March there are plenty of opportunities. Opportunities like faithfully attending Sunday Bible Study at 9:30 am, Sunday Worship hour at 10:30 am, and Sunday Evening Service at 6 pm. There is the 3 on 3 Basketball fundraiser in Mauston on the 23rd. There is the Jr & Sr High WACS competi-tion on the 8th. One could even volunteer in the Academy, nursery, Sunday School etc. That would really put you on the front line.

Our focus, however, as a church will be the Evangelistic meetings on March 24th-27th with Jeremiah Clark. Brother Clark is a newer evangelist. He was with us for our teen rallies in April and a V.B.S. Our Marching Orders and Mission is for all of us to attend nightly. By doing that the church body will truly be marching in synchronization.

I trust you are planning on marching in step!