Are you Ready?

From the Pastor’s Heart: Are You Read?

My first thought is, “Are you ready for the rapture?” I know after these meetings with Dr. Jimmy DeYoung that my heart’s desire is that every day I would be ready for the rapture. My heart truly desires to be ready to meet Him at the review stand of the Judgement Seat to account of my service for Him, or in my body. If it’s going to be today or soon, I want to be sure I am in the center of His will 24/7. My desire also is to make sure I’ve done all I could to see lost loved ones saved, or friends, neighbors and workmates.

Now our Lord Jesus Christ himself, and God, even our Father, which hath loved us, and hath given us everlasting consolation and good hope through grace, Comfort your hearts, and stablish you in every good word and work. ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17

Another “Are you ready” thought is on Women’s Day. Are you ready ladies, to have a blast of learning as well as fun and fellowship? Of course, there will be plenty of work to do in advance, so please seek where you can help. This year, as every year, there is a great speaker and excellent workshops. Don’t forget to take advantage of the price break and register early. Men, we are also in need of help with setup, serving, and cleaning up afterwards; or child care in your home so that your wife can attend. Remember, it is September 16th!

Brother & Sister Sturtz will be back again to do the Men & Ladies Mission Rally on Sunday. Brother Sturtz will also be preaching that morning.

Finally, in the Fall we have a few other events going on as well. In October, TBA will once again be hosting the annual Theron Green Golf Outing on October 7th. This year we would love to have several more TBC families golfing. Perhaps to help, you can find a a sponsor. This also begins the time period we do our website advertisement sales for the school.

October 8th also marks the beginning of our Mission Conference. Dr. Randy King, pastor emeritus from Wyldewood Baptist Church will be our main speaker. Missionaries from across the state or world will be with us.

To finish off that week, on the Saturday after the conference, on October 14th, Tomah Baptist Church will be hosting an Agape Pregnancy Center Singspiration. It will start at 5pm. This will be a blessing, especially since Agape Pregnancy Center is one of our local mission endeavors.

Wow! We all need to Be Ready!