The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the single most important fundamental belief of the Christian faith because it is the power of God unto salvation. According to the Scriptures, Jesus was crucified then appeared to his disciples alive forever more on morning of the first day of the week. This single event is celebrated each year by believers around the world known as Resurrection or Easter Sunday. The Resurrection is not just a historical fact but the central tenet of our faith, representing the triumph of life over death and the ultimate hope for all that believe by faith in this fact.

There are several accounts of the Resurrection in the New Testament. The gospel of Matthew tells of how, on the Sunday after Jesus’ crucifixion, Mary Magdalene and another woman went to the tomb where Jesus had been buried. When they arrived, they discovered that the stone blocking the entrance had been rolled away and that the body of Jesus was missing. Suddenly, an angel appeared and told them that Jesus had risen from the dead. The women then ran to tell Jesus’ disciples who eventually saw him in person and confirmed that he had indeed risen.

The Gospel of Mark also recounts the story of the Resurrection. In his account, Mark says three women went to the tomb on that Sunday morning and found the stone had been rolled away. The women then saw an angel who told them that Jesus was no longer in the tomb but had risen. They ran to tell the disciples who were initially skeptical but then saw Jesus themselves. The gospel of Luke provides an account where two men were walking to a village called Emmaus on the day after Jesus’ death. Jesus, who was unrecognized by the men, joined them on their journey and spoke with them, explaining how the scriptures had been fulfilled.

When they arrived at their destination, Jesus revealed himself to them and then disappeared. The two men then raced back to tell the disciples that Jesus had risen. Finally, the gospel of John tells the story of how Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and found it empty. She saw Jesus but did not initially recognize him. When she realized it was him, she called out to the disciples who saw Jesus themselves later that day. Together, these Gospel accounts complete a picture of what happened on what could have been considered one of the darkest events of human history had Jesus remained dead.

While there are different vantages of the Resurrection presented throughout the Gospel accounts, the presence of the risen Christ is the common theme. The early Christian church viewed the Resurrection as the first of many proofs of Jesus’ divinity, and the belief in the Resurrection became the cornerstone of the Gospel message. The Apostle Paul wrote in 1 Corinthians 15: “And if Christ be not risen, then is our preaching vain, and your faith is also vain… But now is Christ risen from the dead and become the first fruits of them that slept.”

The Resurrection is central to our faith, because it provides us hope in the face of death. Believing in the Resurrection means believing that death is not the end of our existence, but rather a transformation into eternal life with Christ in Heaven. For Bible Believers, the Resurrection represents the ultimate victory over death, and the belief in eternal life with God is a source of comfort in times of peace or sorrow.

The Resurrection also has profound implications for the understanding of Jesus’ life and teachings. Jesus’ teachings about love, forgiveness, and service to others are central to our faith, and the Resurrection provides a validation of those teachings. The Resurrection reveals Jesus as the One who came to redeem mankind and to show us how to live in harmony with God and one another.

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is a foundational cornerstone of our faith. The belief that Jesus rose from the dead on the third day after his crucifixion is not just a historical fact but a source of hope and inspiration for believers around the world. It represents the triumph of life over death and the grave and is the ultimate hope for anyone who believes. The message that All the Earth

Must Know is the message of a Resurrected Christ. This Easter…Who will you tell? … that All the Earth May Know.