Reaping the Harvest

Jeremiah 8:20 The harvest is past, the summer is ended, and we are not saved.

Luke 10:2 Therefore said he unto them, The harvest truly is great, but the labourers are few: pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth labourers into his harvest.

September begins the Fall equipment season. We all have fond memories. Some of mine were riding my 20” bike through a burning pile of the neighbors (or my) leaves, or eating caramel apples. I particularly like going to all my Jewish neighbors Fall succoth booths in October in celebration of the Feast of Booths. Free food was available to all. This was a great time of harvest.

The above Scriptures are, however, not referring to the enthusiasm of the harvest but the sadness of an unfulfilled harvest. In Jeremiah it was a picture of backslidden Judah going into Babylonian captivity. It was already determined by Jehovah to happen. It was too late to be delivered (saved) from the destruction. The summer was past and harvest had ended. A sad commentary on God’s people rejecting to repent and do things God’s way.

In Luke 10:2 we have before our Lord a field white unto harvest, but not enough laborers to bring in the harvest. He was illustrating the great need for workers to aid in the bringing in of souls being prepared for their harvest. There are special times when an abundant amount of laborers are needed. In the Lord’s days leaders would go to the centers where day laborers were waiting to be picked to help.

Today, we are in such a time. The volunteer laborer has decreased in this age while the harvest is the neediest, God has brought a mission field to harvest again through Fort McCoy. I’m speaking of course of the Afghans who have been imported here for a short season. It is going to take great prayers, wisdom, money and effort to reach a few. The rewards, however, are lasting and eternal.

This short term effort does not mean our other prayer times or witnessing or visitation stops, No, they go on. They are daily, weekly passions. The souls of the world and our neighbors. Reaching the Afghans will take a combined effort of McCoy staff and the surrounding Independent Baptist Churches. This is a big task for a short term. Many laborers are needed.

So, what can you do? First, pray as you may not have done before. Second, give to where we will need it. Finally, serve in whatever capacity possible; while not abandoning our home front. Along the way let us not let our summer pass and the harvest lay unreaped.