Psalms 19:14 Let the words of my mouth, and the meditation of my heart, be acceptable in thy sight, O LORD, my strength, and my redeemer.
February is heart month for most things in life, as far as emphasis. That being said, the Lord spoke to my heart today from Psalm 19 while doing devotions. While my emphasis is the last four verses, the whole psalm is magnificent.
In the first six verses the psalmist (presumably David) extols God’s glory and handiwork as seen through His creation. Creation revels the existence of God as Supreme but not specifically His person. Only the revealed Word of God can do that, which occupies the psalmist’s next five verses (7-11).
In those verses the psalmist rejoices in the virtues and effect of God’s Word. Various words are used to describe His written revelation that perfectly reveals His person, will, and work. This revelation is far superior to creation and gets to the very nature of man, his needs, and his relationship with his God. In verse 7, God’s Word is referred to as Law (instruction—code of Law) and the testimonies (witness). In verse 8, His Word is referred to as statues (a precept or general rule) and commandments (an ordinance with force of Law). In verse 11, the reader is reminded that in keeping His Word or ways we have “great” reward.
That brings us to the heart of the psalm and the psalmist is in verses 12-4. It is here that he pleaded with the Lord from his heart to be kept right with the Lord. There were three requests the psalmist makes using three words.
The first is found in verse 12 which is “cleanse”. He proclaims that no one can understand their error or sin faults. His first request was for God to not only reveal his hidden motives or secret faults and cleanse him from them. What a contrast to modern psychoanalysis that tries to “understand” all the hidden reasons why we do something wrong, yet with no moral absolute or God to change us.
The second heartfelt request in verse 13 was for God to keep back or protect him from sinning presumptuously. In other words he was asking God to help him remain upright and innocent from great transgressions.
The final issue from the psalmist’s heart was the request for God, his enabler, to help him with his words and thought to be first, acceptable with God. Oh how all of our hearts can be condemned on that one. How true also that our thought life will influence our tongue, which usually begins with secret sins or faults.
May our Lord bless you with the presence of His love this February.
Pastor Ron Tobin
(Written 2-2007)