Hearing From God

Job 11:5 “But oh that God would speak…”

On April 11th—14th we will be having special meetings with a revival emphasis. Brother Randy King, who is no stranger to us, will be the Evangelist. These meetings are our first attempt since the Covid shut down everything last spring.
The need for God’s people to hear from God is as great as ever. “Why is that?”, you might ask. Well, let’s consider these needs. As our society moves towards a secular nation to a growing anti-Christian spirit; we believers need to be ready to Biblically respond to this radical change, like our forefathers. We aren’t there! We also need to understand the great commission and how we are to actively engage our culture. Retreating is not part of a Christian’s vocabulary or mindset.

Throw into that the need and the growing worldliness in Biblical Churches or Christians, and the effect of the Covid pandemic. Too many of us are just as fearful to live as we are to die. The net affect is a spiritual melees in many believers and churches. They are not growing, ministering or witnessing. Way too many are still fearful to attend church, though not Walmart or the grocery store. Government has become our parent, our provider and our great physician. We have become dependent on man, not God. The Church needs revival!!

There is also the matter of families raising lost or worldly children, who do not contend for the faith once delivered. Their faith too often desired is similar to the Jews, who want to mingle Jehovah with Baal or some form of paganism. The dress is Biblically immodest, the music is sensual and life is me-centered. Such things as honor or manners are rapidly diminishing. God’s people need to have a cleansing Word from God.

But wait! All is not lost. It only takes a decision from you and I. A decision to look at your lives with the authori-ties Word of God and a decision to live Biblically submissive to God. A decision to pray as though only God can change us and prepare us. A decision to attend the meetings April 11th– 14th.