
Psalms 147:1 Praise ye the LORD: for it is good to sing prais-es unto our God; for it is pleasant; and praise is comely.


Why Hallelujah? What’s there to Hallelujah about anyway lately? There is this CoronaVirus stuff, you have social distancing, the people infected with almost 125,000 deaths, then there is all the ignorance and conspiracy theories, not to mention government and bureaucracies have tanked our businesses and some of our freedoms. Where is the “Hallelujah” in that?

Add to all the previous stuff, you have more killing of people being arrested, the protestors and worse—now there are rioters, revolutionary thugs, and murderers who are trying to destroy the very foundation of America and our churches. Worst of all “they” took away all sports!! Well, except for broom hockey—or something like that. Where’s the Hallelujah in that?

Alright! For all you Christians Eeyores, let me share just a few reasons why we should say or shout “Hallelujah!” First and foremost, is not our Lord God the King, and absolute sovereign over His universe? Did He not know this or any pandemic was going to occur?

How big is your God anyway? Is He only the absolute sovereign in good times? Does He not allow or ordain things to happen for an eternally good purpose? We have the privilege to live in these time and serve Him. Hallelujah!

These days, as I’ve been saying, are great times to be a soul winner and communicator for Jesus. Hallelujah! If we are not, it is not simply that we do not get it; it’s that we don’t want to get it. We are just disobedient children. Our theme song isn’t “Take the World, but Give Me Jesus” it seems to be “You Take Jesus and Give Me the World.” That is also why some folks can go to the large social gatherings of family and others, or beaches or play but not attend church. (That was free.)

Here are a few more reasons for Hallelujah. Our church is fully open and operational. Hallelujah! Our children can go to camp and we are going to have some sort of VBS. Hallelujah! Families are spending more time together and TBA will be starting back up. Hallelujah!

Let all God’s people say Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)